
Harmony Modern Slim Boilerplate

Build websites easily using Harmony Modern Slim Boilerplate. Equipped with artisan, eloquent, database migration and database seeders, also tinker.

Harmony Betta

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Getting started


  • PHP7.1 or higher
  • Composer
  • NodeJs
  • GulpJs (optional, but recomended)

Quick start: install harmony using composer create-project

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist harmony-betta/harmony project-name -vvv

You must have Composer installed on your computer

Global installation: Use Harmony Installer

when you install Harmony globally then you no longer need to repeat commands create-project composer.

$ composer global require "harmony-betta/installer"

Make sure you have /home/user/.composer directory. Then check your $PATH to /home/user/.composer/vendor/bin

if the installation is complete please type the command in your Terminal / Command Prompt as follows:

$ harmony --version

Now you can install using Harmony Installer

$ harmony new harmony-project # or your project name

define the name of your project at the end of the command like harmony new your-project-name

Configure .env

About the project

This project created by :shit: developer. The reason he made this project was that he was stupid and could not develop to keep up with technological trends too quickly. Back again, he was indeed a fool. And he makes English-language documentation with Google Translate and one more thing you have to know; he made this documentation on each page with the source from Slim 3 and Laravel Documentation.

Harmony Modern Slim Boilerplate is © 2017-2019 by Imam Ali Mustofa.


Harmony Slim Boilerplate is distributed by an AGPL-3.0 license.


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email Betta Dev Indonesia, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.